Albert Einstein at the patent office
Albert einstein is easily rated as one of the smartest scientists that lived last century. In his lifetime, he was more popular than the president of the US, but he wasn’t always that way, he didn’t start out rich and smart.
In fact, he started out broke, a beat of an academic struggle made it a little worse. He didn’t even school in a university, He failed his first entrance exam in the polytechnic. In his following year, he tried again and managed to pass.
Here are two key things that improved his intelligence and gave him outstanding results:
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1. He married his classmate, a fellow physicist.
Einstein’s wedding was without guests, only the priests and a witness were there when he put the ring on her. Even as a single man, penury was Einstein’s friend and empty pockets, his companion.
Einstein wasn’t successful with anything in physics until the 2 years after he got married. He published 3 different papers that changed the course of history. It is a good guess that his wife wasn’t only a loving companion but also a cerebral one.
People should pick their love partners not only based on affection but on mental compatibility. Do your thinking patterns and capacities augment and complement each other?
2. Einstein worked at the patent office. In his early 20s, Einstein got a super-boring job at the patent office, his boss Friedrich Haller was reputed to be a very strict but fair man. Whenever he wanted Einstein to prepare a certain document, he wanted it to be prepared perfectly like an angel would do.
The job at the patent office put food on his table. He would quickly complete his tasks and have ample time to think about science and inventions.
But the job did something interesting for him, it exposed him to the genius works of many scientists who had submitted it for patent approval. He was able to grasp a good understanding of where science was at the time and where it was heading. The knowledge he gained there positioned him for greatness by the time he clocked 25.
Young people nowadays hardly ever want to take up a poor paying job even if they will gain a lot of experience. This is usually the biggest mistake of most people in their 20s, that is, not gathering enough high-value experience.
The worst thing that can happen to anyone is to be broke. Being broke and inexperienced maybe a little worse than that, but then, being broke, arrogant, and inexperienced is probably an ancestral curse of some sort.
Moral lessons:
1. When you are young, get top-quality experience even if it means not getting paid.
2. Date and marry not just for physical romance but for mental romance too. Your hypothalamus should generally be facing the same direction as that of your partner.
The funny thing is that we all have the instinct to detect a good mental match instantly but we sometimes mentally override it. If someone is as smart as you or even smarter and yet mentally compatible with you, your brain can tell within seconds. But then, physical dimensions, body proportions, and wallet obesity can often play a blinding role.
3. Failing one or two courses in school and having to repeat a year or two almost doesn’t mean anything in real life. It doesn’t mean you are dumb and also doesn’t mean you will be a failure in real life.
4. If you want to succeed in something, take time out to study a lot of materials in that field. Social media has taken away the success potential of so many people. It has created a special kind of addiction that prevents people from focusing for a long time due to too many notifications. Get to your phone settings and disable notifications from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, telegram, and WhatsApp. That way, you can respond to messages only when you want to. Your phone was made for you, and not you for the phone, selah.
5. Academics has forced people to study only when they have to write an exam, whereas, a deep and immersive study is what opens up new areas of the human brain and produces astonishing results.
Find something you want to succeed in, focus on all the literary materials you can find on it, and study them one after the other like hell.
6. In your formative years, a firm but the fair boss is better than a free and fair one. The one that doesn’t tolerate any sort of mistakes will turn you into a perfect person faster than the one that lets you flow at your own energy level.
This is not to give an excuse for douchebags.
7. Be humble enough to learn under people. There are people that are practically un-teachable, not that they aren’t diligent or work hard enough. But once it turns out that they have to listen to someone more knowledgeable or accomplished than them in a certain field, they turn deaf ears. If they don’t know how to scatter the arrangement, they will start a fight.
8. A lavish wedding doesn’t mean anything. This social media age has been promoting all sorts of financial vices including avarice and covetousness towards wealth. Single people are pocket-shamed and asked to get rich before they can think of marriage.
Singles are planning wedding ceremonies that will put them in debt until their kids can read and write.
In truth, there are a lot of smart people out there that will never be successful until they meet you and get moral support from you.
Most people marrying are either in their 20s or early to mid-30s, this is a financially difficult time, even for the smartest people.
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