Dave Partner
3 min readSep 27, 2020

Albert Einstein, Real life Legend. When he married, he was so broke that only 2 people attended his marriage, 3 years later he shook the world with his discovery of the connection between matter and energy. On this day, September 27, 1905, a young and broke physics freak who married a fellow physicist released his paper on the theory of relativity.

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Everything is related to everything else, basically, at the root level, a tree and a ray of light are the same. A child and a music sound are the same and neither can be destroyed, they can only be converted from one form to another.

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only be converted from one form to another. You are here right now acting as you, you have always been here and you will always be, you just keep transforming over time. When you are done being you, you will become the grave, manure, a beautiful banana tree, and some other person will eat that banana, get some protein and produce another baby with his wife or her husband.

The weight of the earth has been the same for billions of years, everyone that has ever lived here, is still here, just in other forms.

His theory explains that there are no absolutes, things only look the way they are because of where you are observing them from. That you are right doesn’t mean every other point of view is wrong. Light does not move in straight lines, it appears straight because you aren’t yet observing it from behind a strong gravitational field. What you consider as a straight-forward truth today may be different if you observe it from a higher or larger perspective.

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If a thing grows big enough it will start attracting smaller things. Big bodies great more gravitational pull on the space-time fabric. People only like you and flock around you when you have started succeeding. No one wants to associate themselves with a loser, don’t be one. Always find a way to win.

That a body is rotating around a bigger body doesn’t mean other smaller bodies won’t be rotating around it. Being a leader to some people does not stop you from being a follower to someone else. You find your purpose by following what inspires you, others may find their purpose by following you.

Space-time is the same thing manifesting in different dimensions. Space is the distance between any two objects, time is the only fundamental way to measure what it will cost one object to move to another location in space.

We are able to count time because objects in space are constantly changing locations. Everything in life is constantly moving, when you pause to catch fun, it doesn’t mean the rest of the world paused too. While you are sleeping, someone somewhere is practicing, and when you meet them on the battlefield, they might win. The quality of time spent in your life can only be measured by what you did with it.

That is, how much of a change you achieved with it, for instance, moving from one point in happiness to another. Moving a stranger from a point of suffering to a point of blessing and so on.

There are large holes of emptiness in space called black holes. . Anybody that comes near a black hole is pulled-in, mashed up, and disappears forever. The black hole eats up everything including light, gets bigger after each lunch. Not all holes are advisable to enter, there are some holes in life that you should never even get close to, otherwise, you will be sucked in and crushed forever. Some people grow larger and become more successful based on how many people they have permanently destroyed. There is no magic to change such people, your light, achievements, contributions to the world, philanthropy, projects, etc mean nothing to them. If you near black holes, they will end your life and feed on your carcass.

Imagination is more important than knowledge” — Albert Einstein.

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Dave Partner
Dave Partner

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