An elderly friend of mine showed me a new perspective on life that has shaped my life.

Dave Partner
3 min readFeb 2, 2020


Several years ago, an elderly friend of mine showed me a new perspective in life that has shaped my life.

It was a hot afternoon, I had filled a certain document and was trekking to a certain office far away to change the course of my life forever. I had trekked for about 30 mins and was only midway when a car pulled up.

“Get in! Get in! Dave!” It was my older friend beckoning at me. He was supposedly driving in the same direction and we had an interesting discussion.

Me: Thanks a lot sir

HIM: I see you have some documents with you, where are you heading to?

Me: I am going to submit it somewhere that will change the course of my life forever. I am having a double mind, but I let my leg carry me on.

HIM: So what do you like doing in life?

Me: I like creating things, where I am going to will help me create more things. And you sir, what do you like doing?

HIM: Good, I like helping people.

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Me: So which is the greater good, (thought for a moment) creating things or helping people?

HIM: I can only argue from my point of view, you see Dave when you are gone, what will people remember you for?

When you are old, what will you be proud of?

The people you helped or the things you created?

Me: (gave another deep though) Both.

HIM: Exactly.

Me: (surprised) Exactly what?

HIM: You see my young friend, this planet is just a spinning ball of rocks, what you create on it makes no difference if it isn’t making an impact in the lives of people you care about and people that come across your works.

if you carve an angel on a rock in the middle of a desert, what good does it make if it doesn’t put a smile in the face of another desert traveler someday?

Me: Hmmm

HIM: You know, I count my days based on how much impact what I am able to make in the lives of people?

Me: How so?

HIM: Like today, I am going to sleep well because I help you. I drove past you while heading the other direction, you didn’t see me because you were looking at the papers on your hand. But after driving for a few minutes I realized you still had a long trek ahead for you.

Since I had enough fuel for a 2-way journey, a made a U-turn and came to help you out.

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Me: (after thinking for an eternity) But what if I rob you of your car while you are trying to drop me off?

HIM: You won’t.

Me: How did you come to that conclusion?

HIM: Because I am not blindly helping you, I weighed the consequences before trying to help. You needed help, I could offer the help, you aren’t armed and I know you. If this was a business deal, I’ll still ensure that I make all the profit in the world that is due to me while helping you.

Me: Do people sometimes try to take advantage of you for helping them?

HIM: yes of course.

Me: So how do you handle that?

HIM: I always help people in such a way that they won’t be able to take advantage of me.

Me: Thanks, let’s turn back!

HIM: Why?

Me: I won’t submit this document again. My initial motive was selfish. (I tore the paper right there and tossed it out of the window for good)

HIM: So what are you going to do now?

Me: I want to go, help people,

HIM: hmm, how many?

Me: Billions of them! 🔥🔥🔥👜💰💰💰

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Dave Partner
Dave Partner

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