Anyone that constantly uploads
1. Prayer on their status is broke and have no strategy to get out
2. Too many selfies: lonely
3. Too many pictures of items: broke but trying to get out of it
4. Too many motivational quotes: uncertain about the future Eg. About to quit their job
5. Too many news updates: heavily introverted in real life
6. Pictures of themselves with expensive valuables and destinations: emotionally lonely and looking for real love
7. Pictures of themselves in a car or flight: they could barely afford that flight ticket or car
8. Pictures of whom they are dating: they are scared to lose that person and might eventually do
9. Too many Curses and warning updates: messed up their relationships too many times, managed to get one they aren’t happy with, now they lonely AF
10. Pictures after church service: it cost them a fortune to sow that church outfit, now they want to sample it or it is the only time in the year they will be attending church service.
11. Pictures of money: the whole money on the picture is all they got.
12. Pictures of a laptop: it cost them a fortune to get that laptop and it’s likely all they got
13. Pictures in front of mirrors: they are one of the few in their circle of friends to afford an iPhone or it’s their first time in a really good hotel room
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14. Pictures of their own children: pure joy
15. Pictures of other people’s children: single and seriously searching
16. Pictures at their office desk: that job is new
17. Married but Facebook profile set to single: they cheatin’
18. Single but Facebook profile set to married: legend
19. Picture with parents: they are scared they might lose them soon
20: Too much tagging and Praising other people: they need something from the people they are praising
21: no updates at all: they are more active on a fake account, another social media or their inbox is too busy with so many messages
22: Relationship related philosophical quotes: undergoing a heartbreak
23: Pregnancy pictures: scared people might say that they adopted the baby
24: Pictures with white men: finally, they managed to get into a picture with a white person, whew!
25. Pictures in a gym or exercise stats: That gym fee cost a fortune or they are trying to psych themselves up to complete the gym session.
26. Posting anything at all about ice cream: single and searching
27. Facebook live talking about wealth: you the listener is the potential product
28. Posting relationship advise all the time: single and doesn’t know jack about how to make a relationship work
29. Selling sex drive booster: they have never actually used it
30. Announcing an upcoming birthday date: they are hustling for birthday gifts
31: Posting about politics: concerned about the country
32. Sharing posts without commenting: Their boss is one of their followers
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