Are you inbillionizing or just working hard?
Yes I know this is a new word. Yes, this is the write-up where I get to introduce lots of new words that aren’t in the dictionary (yet). Don’t get it mixed up, this write up is about coming back, more precisely — the comeback attitude.
The Terminator was one of those popular 90s movie by Arnold Schwarzenegger. In that movie, he tried to enter a building, but the receptionist politely refused.
He replied the receptionist with 4 powerful words that’ll sum up this write-ups, “I’ll be back”. This to me is one of the most powerful 4-word sentences on earth. Its the story of every comeback artist.
Next minute, Schwarzenegger drove his car through the receptionist area and bulldozed his way into the building.
The most powerful men on earth are the guys that comeback harder than before.
Coming back is reclaiming whatever you consider to be rightfully yours, even if you’ve never had it before.
Its a way to fightback at life for daring to mess you up. Henry Ford, is the first guy to manufacture commercially available cars. He was also the first guy to make cars to be able to reverse. Guess what, he went broke 4 times in the process and recovered 4 times!
In one of his books, Obama once told the story of how he came from a broken home and staged about a 30 year journey to becoming the president of the most powerful nation on earth. Now that’s inpresitizing.
Young Donald Trump was once a billionaire. But one day, 3 of his top executives died in a helicopter crash. As a result of this, his company plunged and went broke.
He once remarked that he was walking the streets one evening after one more sad news about how much debt he was owing when he came across a beggar. He thought to himself, paraphrasing now ‘I’m no different from this beggar, we are both broke”.
But he took some bank loans, folded his sleeves, stopped CEOring around and got right back to work. It was a 5 year comeback journey, but he eventually rebillionized again!
You see the meaning of the term now?
Some quick definitions here:
If you are coming back to get a billion that you never had before, you are inbillionizing. If you had it before, lost it and now on your way back to it, you are reBillionizing.
Same with inmillionizing and remillionizing. I’m not going to talk about thousanizing, gerrarrahia.
The summary of it all is, if you feel something you rightfully own is out-of-reach, go grab it back! I mean, ingrabilize!
There is no joy approaching life on defensive mode, time to go offensive. Be that comeback artist.
If your billion dollars is out of reach like me, let’s go there, teamwork, respect the chain of command, real work, hard work, fold sleeves, restartupize, then inbillionize!
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