History of deadliest virus attacks on the human population:
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1. Black death (1347) : evolved from rats and killed 200 million people in 3 years. This wiped out 40% of Europe’s population. It took Europe more than 2 centuries to return its population figures to pre Black death levels.
2. Spanish flu (1917): came from Northern China and killed 50 million people in 1 year.
3. Plague of Justinian (541): came from rats that haboured fleas, killed 50 million people in 1 year, attacked the Roman City of Istanbul in Turkey and hastened the fall of the Roman empire then significantly weekend the catholic church.
4. HIV aids (1981): evolved from Chimpanzees in west africa, attacked humans and killed 35 million people over a 40 year period so far.
5. Swine flu (2009): evolved from pigs in Mexico and killed 200 thousand people in 1 year.
6. Ebola (1976): evolved from bats in Congo near river Ebola and killed 12 thousand people in 2 years
7. MERS (2015): killed 850 people so far.
8. SARS (2002): evolved from bats into cats and into humans in Guangdong China, killed 770 people in 1 year.
9. Covid-19: evolved from animals in Wuhan China, killed 5,000 people in 3 months so far
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