Don’t hire software developers and switch their technology instantly
Biggest hiring mistake when taking developers is to take cab drivers and give them the task of cleaners.
It will take a long time for them to start cleaning well and they’ll forever miss their cabs.
Dont even hire an angular developer and give them react tasks. They are not even remotely the same. Who is going to pay for the period in which they mentally unplug from angular and start thinking reactively?
You the hirer? Then don’t complain during that incubation period which could last weeks to months.
If someone states clearly what they are very good at in their CV and interview, don’t hire them and immediately switch them to something else. Even if they learn very fast, it still takes time to be very good at something. And takes even more time to work on live projects with it.
Its going to hurt everyone in the end. It takes about 4 to 6 years for medical practitioners to be good in one branch of medicine. Imagine employing a dentist and giving them the role of a surgeon from day 1.
Unless you are willing to pay through their learning period (which some companies are ok with), don’t hire people, instantly switch their roles and expect magic .