Ethereum, cool breeze and alternate universes

Dave Partner
2 min readOct 4, 2017


A man was once sitting under an apple tree in his garden, a soft breeze blew and an apple fell on his head.

He briskly ran into his reading room and scribbled into his notes 3 laws he called the laws of motion. The man’s name is…scratch that.

A young man was once walking in the garden in silicon valley in 2013, a soft breeze blew and he quickly ran into his room and wrote for the next 3 hours a concept he later called Ethereum.

The future exists, but in many different threads, many different versions of it. If you stop reading this now, that is one thread that has become true. If you finish reading this write-up instead, that’s another thread. In between these two threads, there can be an uncountable more.

Nature cannot reverse a thread once it has been taken. At every node in the thread, an infinite number of possibilities can happen. Some people call these possibilities parallel universes.

The seeker, seeks to find which of the future universes will benefit them the most. Everyone, everything contains a finite amount of energy to create a new thread.

One person can drink water instead of eating or going to bed, and that creates a new universe in which the person drank water. Another can start a war thereby creating a new universe in which there is war.

In that evening at the park, 20 year old Vitalik Buterin observed a universe in which Ethereum was successful. He went ahead to create the thread for it. Today he is 23 years old and worth over $240m.

What many people don’t understand is that they posses equal powers with everything else to choose the universe in which to live in. It is the power of the nodes that differ.

To get to the bigger nodes, one must be willing to create spin off the smaller threads.

The sculptor reveals the angel by taking away parts of the stone. Lots of threads spin off as he chips away at the stone with his chisel nodefully. But before he ever touched the stone, he pictured a universe in which the stone becomes an angel.

A little breeze will most likely blow later this evening, what node will you create, what infinite threads will spin from it?



Dave Partner
Dave Partner

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