How being efficient made me rich!

Dave Partner
2 min readJan 2, 2020


Yesterday, I bought a new high-quality shoe, a shoe brush, and polish. That’s because I met a perfectionist — a very rich perfectionist At first, I was irritated by how he wanted everything done perfectly. He noticed that my shoe wasn’t repolished that morning, he asked me to button my suit, he didn’t like the way I was sitting, my presentation ended with “the end” instead of “the end, thank you”, my presentation started 2 minutes late due to setup, etc

In less than 5 minutes, he pointed out over a dozen things I did imperfectly. At a point, I got annoyed and said to him “you are taking this to the extreme!”, he replied, “No, amigo, you have not met my boss.”

He continued “When I first started working under him, I was worse than you, I was really terrible. My boss was always on my tail like a heat-seeking misile. He hated the way I did everything, he corrected me 1,000 times per day even down to the sentences I use when answering questions. My boss’ mind works like clockwork, it was really hard working at his pace initially. I wanted to quit but I thought of losing my job and money to feed my family. I felt horrible but I knew that the reason was that I was terribly inefficient.

I consider myself lucky today because I didn’t quit my job 4 years ago, our project succeeded and we are all multi-millionaires right now. I attribute 90% of that success to accountability. My boss is incredibly accountable, and that’s exactly how he made all of us be.”
He concluded by saying “Dave if you want to be rich like us, you have to be as incredibly efficient as a well-oiled machine”



Dave Partner
Dave Partner

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