How I lost 15kg in 3 weeks without exercise or supplements

Dave Partner
4 min readAug 23, 2020


For the past 3 weeks, I have been on a weight loss journey. Starting out at 110kg, I have lost about 15kg since then.

Yesterday, I weighed 94.4kg, the day before, it was 94.7kg
Even though I eat every day, I still lose weight daily.

I’ll be posting my journey here to inspire someone out there who needs this.

Weight loss method used:
1. Fruit diet: I switched to eating more fruits. My meal every day now is a plate of salad garnished with chicken, beef, or snail meat.
2. Intermittent fasting: I only eat once a day these days, with lots of water. Sometimes I eat about twice though, It’s a lifestyle now, I don’t feel it at all.
I achieved it by first knocking off breakfast. Then dinner.
So now I only eat lunch, a very healthy lunch. Then drink lots of water as the day goes.

Things I avoided:
1. No soft drinks whatsoever
2. No shawarma
3. No rice
4. No bread, shortbread or biscuits
5. No ice cream, pizza, and all the things the devil uses to get the son of man.
6. No eating in-between meals unless it’s fruits that have loaded up in my fridge.

Lastly, no exercises, not that it’s not good oo, but that I am lazy as f*ck. May start jogging again one of these days. I do stomach exercises though. Like 30 sit-ups every one or two days.

My target weight is 84kg.

That’s the last weight I walked into the ring with. At 84kg, I am a very slim person.

The average weight I drop in a day is somewhere around 0.3 kg. Most of my belly fat is gone, I can now smell 6-packs a block away.


1. Don’t you feel hungry?

Nope. Well, initially when I started, I did. But in the spirit of easing into the lifestyle rather than a sudden change, whenever I feel hungry, I simply eat a little then try to eat fruits.

My rule was that every time I have to eat anything, I have to eat fruits first, especially watermelon. Watermelon is really good because it fills you up in a few bites, unlike other fruits. The downside is that you have to hit the bathroom more often to pee due to all the water in it. These helped reduce the food I have to eat afterward.

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2. How did you quit shawarma?

The same way I quit pizza, instead of an abrupt stop, I started buying fewer and fewer until I stopped feeling the urge.

3. Don’t you feel weak?

In the first 3 days, I felt weak whenever I didn’t eat at the right time. Even the fruit diet appeared not to be giving me the level of energy I expected. What I did was simple, eat fruits, then eat food but not as much as before.
There is a state-of-body that cannot be explained that I now feel. I feel very physically fit, not overdosed with food, and yet not hungry.
I also feel that my mind is cleaned up, my thoughts are much clearer and sharper now.

4. Do you eat other things apart from fruits?

Yes, I eat swallow, yam, etc but not rice. All cooked food.

5. What do you drink?
In the last 3 weeks, I have taken a can of malt once, because I was gifted it and didn’t want to throw it away.

6. Do you eat meat?
Yes, though I substitute it for chicken whenever I can. Red meat isn’t as healthy as chicken or fish.

7. Can I do this?
Yes or course!

8. What other things did you do to accomplish this?
I did some environmental changes such as:

A. Placing a weighing scale next to where I get my food from, in this case, it’s my fridge. Before I put anything in my mouth, I weigh myself. It helped me take caution not to swallow the whole fridge again.
If your kitchen is where you get your food from, you can put yours there. I bought the scale online from Konga.

B. I put fruits inside and beside my fridge, whenever I have to eat in-between meals, there is always a watermelon 🍉 waiting to be eaten.

C. I put a bigger mirror in my room just so I can watch my 6-packs return like a boss.

D. I have a calendar on my board where I take note of my new weight every day. It’s like a game to me.

9. Can you lose more than 1 kg in a day?
Yes, I have once been able to lose 7 kg in one day when I had to make a lower weight to fight in a championship the following day.
I don’t know if this is medically advisable for anyone, I won’t tell how I did it, just reach out to your doctor for medical advice before trying any of the things I listed in this write-up.

Impossible is nonsense.
Fear is useless.
Only angry lions get results.
You can’t change the situation you accept.

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