How to kick back at life and get what you want
In every country in the world, the tribe in power is not always the tribe with the highest population, education, or natural resources. Its the tribe that is willing to burn down everything if their demands are not met.
This is usually the tribe you cannot step on, they will push back and ensure you never try that again. The tribe at the bottom is usually the tribe that can take bullshit all day and keeps finding new ways to rationalize it, blame themselves, or wait it out.
Formal education teaches something that is good but can be unhealthy for you at times, it teaches everyone to conform to all rules, and people who question authority are severely dealt with.
So the bulk of the people who passed through formal education are unable to stage protests, pick up arms, or even defend themselves in critical situations.
They also learn to scare others who try to do this.
What is my point? Sometimes in life, you have to push back and go on the offensive. Some certain kinds of success cannot come unless you rebel against certain norms and rules.
Some people will never give you your peace and space unless you teach them a little lesson on how to respect you.
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Some Victories cannot be won unless you stand your ground and put the aggressor in defensive mode.
Your education should give you a mental advantage on how best to approach such situations without ruining every other thing. And also let you know when to burn down every other thing if need be.
Someone reading this right now needs to reply that email with a stronger tone without being insulting. Someone needs to call their partner right now and arrange a meeting where they voice out their concerns respectfully but firmly. There is someone that needs to ask for a salary raise, someone needs to talk to their employees in a clearer tone.
Sometimes the only way to stop getting slapped on one cheek is to throw a hot slap back and prepare for the worst. With a little more protest garnished with some emotional and tactical intelligence, better results can be got in some situations.
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Protesting the little discomforts early can save you months or even years of strenuous relationships. A friend once called me around 2am at night to discuss some business, I entertained the call but when we were done, I politely told him not to call me again at night and then proceeded to tell him the best times to call.
Its been months, we talk every few days but he has never ever disturbed my sleep again. That was an early subtle protest that helped me achieve my peaceful night rest without making me look like a difficult person.
Bottom line, don’t just let people and life in general trample on you anyhow, sometimes you need to push back. On some special occasions, you have to burn down everything!
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