How to make money online from youtube [part 2]

Dave Partner
4 min readJul 1, 2017


Youtube pays lots of people working from home thousands and thousands of dollars per month. You too can be part of this pay roll if you know what to do. Please enjoy the below video, its the second part of this course series that is aimed at making you earn lots of profits from Youtube. Please do click here to subscribe to get the full course , its all free for now.

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0:01tutorial on YouTube how to make money
0:05from YouTube this particular video is
0:08supposed to show you how YouTube works I
0:11want to give you a general overview of
0:13how the whole YouTube process works and
0:17where you come in now YouTube has three
0:19partners first of all the viewers the
0:23creators and the advertisers so you ask
0:30the Creator this course is aimed as
0:32making sure that you become a creator
0:34and start making money so the Creator
0:36puts in video which is content video
0:38content into a YouTube YouTube admin
0:43verifies it and allows you to display on
0:47YouTube now if your video skips dis
0:49admin check and comes to viewers and
0:52viewers reported the video gets taken
0:54down and your channel might be blocked
0:56so you as the con content provider you
1:00put a video at member files it shows to
1:03the viewers and viewers viewers and
1:06generate views for each complete watch
1:08of the video it generates views long as
1:12views on it there are so many other
1:14things that can be got from the views
1:18for instance one of those views YouTube
1:21gets to pay you but how do they get the
1:22money that they send to you as a creator
1:25because some advertisers put money now
1:29advertisers know that over 1 billion
1:32people are on YouTube and watching
1:36videos every day so what they do is to
1:41advertise their product is to go pay
1:43YouTube money and give YouTube a video
1:46to advertise for them or a picture or
1:48whatever to advertise for them
1:50YouTube verifies it and displays it on
1:53your video now in the display like in
1:57between your videos you took puts in
1:59video adverts and then they put text and
2:03picture advice by the side now when do
2:06you see those adverts you to deduct
2:09money from the money they give them
2:11share the money with you
2:13to take the percentage of the money and
2:15sends a percentage to you for creating
2:17the video so this is how the money goes
2:20now what to advertisers gain by putting
2:25money to YouTube they gain results maybe
2:28they want to promote that new car or
2:30that new engine or their new tire that
2:33they built and they want to promote it
2:35they pay you took to advertise it on
2:37channels that deal with cars and your
2:40channel might just be reviewing new cars
2:42or latest Lamborghini letters Ferrari so
2:45you to put the video on your advert is
2:47the YouTube algorithm that don’t they
2:49don’t do it manually
2:50the computer program puts the video on
2:55the yacht path on the right video
2:58now when the iPad is running as users
3:01are seen it this before I get some
3:03results so they have their AdWords
3:05account that is what they used to pin
3:07money inside the AdWords account they
3:10can be checking out the result and the
3:12Ameri takes how many clicks happen how
3:14many impressions how many views they
3:16have got so it’s on the AdWords account
3:18that the money for orders and how their
3:20ads are performing now for you that is
3:23getting paid you use a platform a Google
3:26platform called Adsense that adsense
3:29account is where you check your email
3:30salmony how much money you’ve made for
3:33the moon from your videos and there’s a
3:35lot of things now all these things work
3:39together to form a complete platform
3:42Google owns adsense google owns youtube
3:45and google owns at work
3:47so you’re basically on the Google and
3:49making your money
3:51now YouTube admin is the regulator to
3:54all this now you just kind of help the
3:56YouTube admin to regulate because when
3:58they see video they don’t like or a
4:00video that does something really awful
4:01then they can report to YouTube admins
4:06and YouTube admins will ban your channel
4:08from YouTube so there are guidelines
4:10that I’ll show you so you don’t put the
4:12wrong kind of videos on YouTube or put
4:15videos for the wrong intention because
4:17YouTube admins also check the intention
4:19why the video is owned for instance
4:22another friend of mine that put up a
4:24video of a shooting and YouTube and this
4:27and then if you go to youtube II see
4:29lots and lots of videos on shaytans so
4:33what happened was that it was his
4:35intention what he put in the description
4:36that made YouTube and that particular
4:39video so for around the tutorial I’ll be
4:42showing you the guidelines and the rules
4:44to follow so that you don’t get your
4:45video banned
4:47alright thank you for watching this
4:49particular video see you in the next
4:51video where we’ll get in-depth into
4:53making you a content creator if you have
4:57any questions don’t forget to drop them



Dave Partner
Dave Partner

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