How to make money online from youtube [ part 3]
Do you know that every time you watch a video on youtube, someone gets paid? :D
Youtube pays lots of people working from home thousands and thousands of dollars per month. You too can be part of this pay roll if you know what to do. Please enjoy the below video, its the third part of this course series that is aimed at making you earn lots of profits from Youtube. Please do click here to subscribe to get the full course , its all free for now.
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0:02 This course we will be looking at how to
0:05create an email account if you really
0:07have an email account of course you
0:09should skip this particular tutorial and
0:11after grading our email account we’ll go
0:13for that to create a YouTube account and
0:15of course if you if you’ve had if you
0:18already have your YouTube account you
0:20just keep this part two
0:21alright so to create an email account
0:23just type an email account and just call
0:26it John go to whatever you want to call
0:34it call it toots
0:36then we’re going to call our email
0:38address to be John Doe YouTube at look for something else
0:48you too John Doe you we’re just trying
0:52to kiss one two three okay code really
1:03son John do you run to the phone alright
1:08good so which is it password and confirm
1:16password like I said if you really have
1:28all this issue just keep this particular
1:30part and I’m just gonna choose any
1:32random date any random day 19 whatever
1:3755 and then I’m gonna choose any gender
1:44now you’re supposed to add your real
1:47phone number here because Google will be
1:50calling your phone number to give you a
1:51code which you will use in the next page
1:53so if you don’t already have a phone
1:56number you should better get one that
1:58Coco would use so our post is an enter
2:00my phone number and I’ll show you in the
2:02next page so right now we are asked to
2:05accept the privacy terms and conditions
2:07of course you have to scroll down if you
2:09don’t scroll down these buttons that
2:11activate so she couldn’t
2:13it and the next it will ask us to choose
2:15which format to send a message okay so
2:18great we have a new email address don’t
2:20ever send me an email to this email
2:22address I don’t think I will ever check
2:24it all right so hop one two three four
2:26John do you want to trade for Gmail so
2:29we’ll continue to Gmail but our aim is
2:31to end up at YouTube and also have an
2:34adsense account alright so we have a new
2:37email address created and we’re logging
2:38in our next mission is to go and visit and of course you hit enter
2:46if you’re logged into your email YouTube
2:48should log you in automatically
2:51all right since we are not automatically
2:53logged in let’s sign in click on sign in
2:55and it’s asking us for our email so
3:01we’re not signed in with our YouTube our
3:05John Doe YouTube into our YouTube
3:07remember that YouTube is always linked
3:09to your YouTube accounts are linked to
3:12your Google+ account so if you want to
3:14add a profile picture update your
3:15profile it recently take you through
3:18your Google+ account alright so let us
3:23go and change some things and see how I
3:25can change some personal details on our
3:28YouTube so you click as you can see what
3:31I just did like the athlete on creative
3:34studio and we have 0 subscribers so far
3:37and from the 0 subscribers or can this
3:40create a channel so you cretin click on
3:43create a channel and then it’s asking us
3:49what our channel could be what we’re
3:52using youtubers yeah the name is John
3:55Doe YouTube and and this is I can just
4:00call this reviews reviews
4:04John Doe reviews alright nice name and
4:10then we hit on enter
4:12so we’re creating a new channel right
4:14now that’s how to create a new channel
4:18so we not having a new channel on
4:20YouTube the next thing we have to do is
4:22to go and start working on our channel
4:25so if you look at the left
4:26we’ll see that there is a a menu here so
4:30you click it it does everything shows
4:34you all the details about your YouTube
4:36channel and that the first one have to
4:38know is that YouTube channel is not
4:40verified in YouTube you can you have to
4:43verify using the phone numbers if I
4:45click verify it’s going to bring me to a
4:49page where we have to verify using a
4:52phone number as you can see there is a
4:53country I have to select and there’s
4:56going to call me so we’re going to enter
5:04phone number if you choose to be called
5:05or texted you don’t enter a phone number
5:07now in YouTube you can only use the same
5:10phone number to verify a YouTube account
5:12only two YouTube accounts by ye so every
5:16year you can only use one phone number
5:18to verify to YouTube account so YouTube
5:20doesn’t expect you to create two
5:22accounts two channels per more than two
5:28channels per year so every year you can
5:29only create two channels using one phone
5:31number so you can enter a phone number
5:32here without the country code so in this
5:35case I’m not anti it against the usually
5:38due to comfortably without entering this
5:40body tennis you won’t be able to
5:42activate payments YouTube can’t pay you
5:44if your account is not verified so let’s
5:47keep going on I don’t like to verify
5:50let’s keep going on let’s look at all
5:52the details that you have here in number
5:54one instead is telling you all the
5:56features that are enabled in your
5:57YouTube the ones are enabled has this
5:59little green bar bottom bar here so here
6:02you can upload videos so it’s enabled
6:05they can edit video digit Sena build
6:07let’s monetization that is not an
6:10airport when we click on enable to ask
6:12us to verify that’s live streaming for
6:16it will stream live you must have a
6:19certain number of users so as you can
6:22see every step is asking us to do a
6:23verification but for this course for
6:28this particular channel we won’t go much
6:30more than much further than this we’ll
6:32have to use an already existing channel
6:34to explode these other features now some
6:37other thing you can see that if right
6:40people can report your video so if
6:42somebody reports the video YouTube keeps
6:44tracking it so if you copy somebody’s
6:47out of this video and uploads and you
6:50get reported YouTube will show it that
6:53you’ve been flagged and they will ban
6:55you for some time
6:56if you continue they’ll have to ban you
6:58permanently including the phone number
7:00you used to create this so these are
7:03your features and of course remember how
7:05you can get at this point you always
7:07click on this icon here and then click
7:09on creator studio now that’s it for this
7:13and then you can set upload the photo
7:16upload defaults is whenever you
7:17uploading a new video what should be
7:20there by default so the privacy of all
7:23the videos for this particular account
7:25we’ll set it to public and then you
7:30choose category what what your category
7:33the category of your videos Falls and so
7:35for making videos about people dancing
7:38so we can look for something that has to
7:41do with entertainment so it will come to
7:44entertainment so once you start
7:46uploading our dance videos then of
7:49course standard YouTube license the
7:50title your videos can have a certain
7:53title by default so that after uploading
7:55you can now start changing this whole
7:58description this way I want select like
8:00to put my limbs like follow me on
8:05Facebook add vidcom slash that’s my real
8:14Facebook accounts you can always go
8:16there and leave me a message if you have
8:17a lot of questions and then you can do
8:20the same thing for Twitter and so on and
8:22so forth so that whenever you uploaded
8:24video you don’t have to do all these all
8:26over again so there’s this Twitter and
8:31there is slash table and so
8:36on and so forth Instagram just put all
8:38your basic links here but
8:40uploading you still have to put the
8:41description of the video but these ones
8:43are related for you now the next thing I
8:45have to look at is the tags what are the
8:48default tags for instance our dancing
8:50video we expect in almost every
8:54every video will upload to have
8:56entertainment tag we have a dancing
8:59twerking and singing we’ll have club
9:05 music these are like default tags that
9:09 we expect or will always be here so but
9:11 then after uploading the video you can
9:13 always adjust these tags and now we can
9:16 allow comments can users view ratings
9:19 for me when I’m starting my new channel
9:22 I don’t want users to see that it’s a
9:24 new channel that which to subscribe as a
9:26 stuff so we can just up remove this so
9:28 if you want to subscribe you subscribe
9:30 or if you want to watch the video you
9:32 watch it but I don’t want you to see any
9:33 further details but when the video
9:35 starts getting viral I can enable it
9:38 back and remember that this is just
9:40 default so do you have a specific
9:42 language by default Familia is inflation
9:44 and Kingdom and allow viewers to
9:47 contribute translated pathology and do
9:49 that by default caption certification
9:51 all these ones you can select any of
9:54 them and these are basically the default
9:57 and as after selecting them you have to
10:00 save and it is saved so look at the next
10:05 sentence we have featured content so if
10:08 I would not have videos won’t have
10:09 videos we can add featured content like
10:11 which of the videos will play after
10:13 every other video so when every other
10:15 video is playing towards the end it will
10:18 play a party to show you a link to a
10:20 particular video of yours that’s a good
10:22 way to do add fat and when your YouTube
10:24 channel grows you can go collect get
10:27 paid by big companies to put you their
10:30 video as a featured content all right so
10:33 you have Brandon and then you can always
10:36 add a watermark of what will always be
10:39 on your videos so here you have to
10:42 upload a logo or picture or whatever so
10:45 that are at the bottom of the video you
10:47 always have that what I’m not and then
10:49 there’s advanced
10:50 we’ve actually look at analytics and
10:53stuff from is that actually uploading
10:55videos remember that you can set up a
10:57country which country is your video most
10:59your YouTube channel most has the most
11:03viewers or the target audience remember
11:06can be in any country while sending
11:09while making YouTube channels one
11:11electron tree for instance you can be
11:13making country YouTube channel for
11:15London attacks just retiring London
11:18attacks but while you are in somewhere
11:21you know Phillip Pike’s you understand
11:23so depends on the channel and what
11:25you’re doing and then yeah this order
11:29setting as you can look through but here
11:31we can add our Google Analytics tracking
11:35ID now the issue is that we have to go
11:37and create your Google Analytics
11:39accounts we’ll go to analytics and tips
11:47so I have to quit analyze this account
11:49and in the next video
11:54with an adsense account
12:02so there we have our 96 account and is
12:06asking us to sign up and so let’s
12:12quickly scroll to the right and hit on
12:15sign up analysis will help us to see
12:18that how many users have given our
12:20videos which is our most viewed videos
12:21and stuff it’s a platform by Google and
12:26we’re going to create an account that
12:30will call John come in to you and the
12:40website do we have already said required
12:42 to who knows if they will accept a
12:45 beautiful website what’s at all
12:51 whatever industry category
12:59 and so on and so forth we’re just gonna
13:04 select category and we’re somewhere in
13:07 it that it means that’s an entertainment
13:10 so here we’re just gonna it get tracking
13:15 ID that’s what we’re looking for so we
13:18 accept the agreement except of course
13:21 make sure you read the agreement before
13:22 accepting and that sort of sorts it out
13:29 for us and this is what we’re looking
13:32 for the tracking ID so it will copy it
13:37 for copy this folks
13:41 okay
13:43 for copy days and we get back to our
13:46 YouTube we can give our YouTube that is
13:51 cracking ID then we can enter some
13:53 channel keywords which is this emptiness
13:55 Tanzanian time blah blah
13:57 all right we’re good to go so we’ve
14:04 linked our analytics this way I want to
14:06 stop for this video and the for the
14:07 videos we will look into creating an
14:10 adsense account AdWords account as you
14:11 can see here and so on and so forth till
14:14 we completely set up on YouTube a a
14:16 channel for the profits thank you very
14:19 much and ah forget to Like and subscribe
14:21see you