If you call yourself a genius, befriend chaos!
[I suddenly got connected to the star in the middle of twerking in a night club and started writing this :D ]
To find order in chaos and to continue to do so, this is the journey of a genius.
To sift through piles of disorder, find some pattern and not get lost in that journey, this is the ancient order of the genius.
Nature and everything in it is a puzzle until some genius unravels it.
To discover meaning in meaninglessness. To unravel the connection between seemingly disconnected entities. This is what an ordinary soul must accomplish in order to take the place of a genius.
The missing links, that’s the defining point of genius.
I know a man who once found a connection between copper, toad’s leg and electricity!
I know a man that deciphered gravitational waves by staring at stars through his telescope!
One of such crazy fellows is currently trying to find hydrogen fuel from water. A friend of his who lived in a different age was able to fly by constantly pumping hot air into a balloon! Crazy, right? who does that?
One of my colleagues that lived about 400 years ago built an engine that pumps coal out of mines by methodically mixing fire, water, pipes and metals, he called the contraption a steam engine!
It is my personal theory that we all are born geniuses.
We all are born with that natural aptitude to decipher connection between two seemingly disconnected elements.
But life ends up bending many of us. And so a genius must go through some self re-examination and rediscovery, some hard truth telling and re-surrendering to nature.
When I was a kid, beyond writing numbers, I could draw them in the sand. I had special abstract images that represent each number and a combination of them.
I never learnt to calculate numbers, no matter how hard my teachers tried. I keep seeing numbers as pictures in my mind.
2 has a picture, hence 2x2 results into another picture that is entirely different.
When I see this new image in my mind I just tell the answer to be 4 because that is the picture of 4.
I don’t know where much of that talent has gone now or of what use it may be in the future. But honestly, I’d like to see money as pictures then cash it out or something :)
A genius is a seed that thrives in the soil fertilized by chaos, disorder, quagmire and anarchy.
A genius once invented keys and locks. Sometime later, another genius invented scroll lock, then another invented finger prints, facial recognition and so on.
As you can see, a genius is the key that must pick nature’s locks correctly to unravel mysteries.
Being a genius is like rediscovering nature as a game to be played not just a life to be lived. Its the genius against the world they find themselves in from the first day.
Galili Galilio a very close friend was put under house arrest about 400 years ago for saying that the earth rotated around itself and around the sun. This was a concept that was totally alien to the people and didn’t make any sense at the time.
Guess what he did while under house arrest? He wrote his greatest book of course and called it “The Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Relating to Two New Sciences” . Talk about acing the game.
A genius is neither the parents nor the child, a genius is any of them that brings new truth to the world in which they live.
A genius is not the still waters nor the stone that ruffles them, he is the spirit that hovers over them all.
Genius I think is largely a game of natural gifts, experience, self education and incredible focus on the mystery at hand.
Dear friend, if you think yourself a genius, chaos, disorder, lack, want, should be your opportunity to prove that. Quagmire should be your playground.
Here are a few of your other friends I know — disarray, disorganization, confusion, mayhem, bedlam, pandemonium, madness, havoc, turmoil, tumult, commotion, disruption, upheaval, furore, frenzy, uproar, hue and cry, babel, hurly-burly
The world awaits the becoming of a genius from an ordinary man, please make the connection for us.