It is too dangerous to send your child to school
You need to know the type of Child you have before deciding to send them to the regular government approved school or not.
It is too dangerous to send your child to school, especially in Nigeria. School will lump them up with other children and try to treat everyone the same. This is usually a big disaster because actors, dancers, fighters, athletes have no business learning the same kind of thing, taking the same kind of tests, sitting the same length of time and asking the same kind of questions. As an adult, it is like being put in a job you don’t like and have no skills to handle, then being judged alongside others who love it and can handle it.
Many comedian have been nullified by a teacher flogging them for cracking a joke in class. In reality, a young comedian is supposed to be cracking jokes hourly until they perfect their craft. Everyone is not supposed to keep quiet and sit calm in class. Some careers foster in silence, many others die in silence. A boxer is supposed to be throwing punches during classes.
Many pupils are great boxers. That violent tendency and high fighting IQ start exhibiting at a very young age. You see them having too many fights and confrontations in school with other students. But school has a punishment for fighting, the punishment destroys the young boxers career. How much can a boxer make from a boxing career? Floyd Mayweather, an undefeated boxer is currently over $500m. Big George Foreman also retired, is currently worth $300m at some point. According to George Foreman’s wikipedia page
“By his own admission in his autobiography, George was a troubled youth. He dropped out of school at the age of fifteen and later joined the Job Corps. After moving to Pleasanton, California, with the help of a supervisor he began to train in boxing.
… (4 years later) Foreman won a gold medal in the boxing/heavyweight division at the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games.”
The troubled youth turned and academic dunce, turned out to be the best boxer in the world. He just needed to practice boxing for 4 years. Most parents would have changed the child’s school and continuing the mental torture on him. He would have probably ended up in the wrong career.
Let me ask you, does your child’s current school have the capacity to raise such a multi-millionaire?
You see? sending a boxer to a regular school, is like taking the millions out of the millionaire and permanently incapacitating him.
What of the future footballers? Someone punishes them for playing with bottle tops in class and forces them to sit through the same number of hours with lab scientists and professors whose careers will be built around sitting still in front of desks and test tubes.
Some children understand best in the morning soon after waking up and the brain is still cool, calm and collected (matter of fact, everyone). This is the period they should sit, study up and learn all the most important thing up until mid-day. But that morning preparation and commute school destroys everything.
The children arrive in school, stay through the assembly ground, do their morning chores in school before going to settle in class- the whole morning is gone! The rest of their day is thrown into chaos.
Bottom line, our academic system is too old and too rigid. It was crafted for the majority of the population not for the nerds, the misfits, the geeks. Which simply means, if your child is performing badly in school, the child is in the wrong kind of school. You should pay attention to their inner yearnings on time.
It is too dangerous to send your child to ‘school’. You need to be very cautious with that decision. Otherwise you may send a genius to school and get back a dullard after graduation.
Clap as many times as you can.
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