Meditation: How to forget things and people easily

Dave Partner
2 min readJan 22, 2017


Today’s meditation is about inner peace and tranquility. There is this short ancient story of a group of sailors that were getting rocked by a storm. The waves hit them so hard and was threatening to capsize their boat.
In the middle of the turbulence, someone in the crew realized that their captain was not there with them. He raised an alarm and they searched everywhere. When they got down below deck. Lo and behold he was gentle, calm and was peacefully sleeping.
Who does that?
When they woke him and alerted him of the danger, “men of little faith”, he retorted.
HE proceeded to climb up to the deck and command the ocean to assume calmness by transferring his inner peace to the raging storm.

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There is another story of a Asian monk that once calmed a city wide riot by sitting so perfectly calm in the center of the king’s compound. When the rioting crowd came to the King’s palace to destroy it, the found a monk sitting at the perfect center of the palace’s compound, perfectly still in meditation. No words, no expressions, no emotions, no nothing. Just absolute calmness, peace and tranquility.
The first few protesters that barged into the palace stopped in amazement. The peace had caught up with them. The next set stopped behind them , and the next set stopped behind them.
The stalling continued until the calmness had spread throughout the city. Everyone became calm and peaceful without knowing why or caring anyway.

Whether these stories are true or not, I am just using them to paint the picture of what absolute calmness can do to your life and the life of everyone around.
Have you ever got mad at someone, and started screaming loud curses at them, but they are so perfectly calm that their peace strangle your anger within seconds?

Inner peace and tranquility can be acquired through meditation and the knowledge that while you are alive and conscious you can gain perfect control of everything because everything in existence now exists inside your consciousness.

Be peaceful, meditate and attain absolute calmness, gain control, dominance and air superiority over every storm and all “things of little faith” around you.
After today’s meditation, you will never ever freakout again.

NB: Fasting today is 6am — 3pm.
Impossible is nonsense, don’t freak-out over desires for food.

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Dave Partner
Dave Partner

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