My first act of ‘prophesy’ was when I was about 8 years old…

Dave Partner
3 min readMar 11, 2020


My first act of ‘prophesy’ was when I was about 8 years old. The year before that, my dad had told me a story about an old woman in the same town that could predict people’s demise. He said she was accurate several times and she told them she could tell that people are about to suddenly pass-on if she saw a yellow halo on their head.

A year later, I returned from school one day and met my parents sitting in the compound with a certain man who visited them.

I was going to walk past them when my mum called me back and introduced the man to me.
I didn’t understand her explanation so it sounded to me like
“Dave, this is your uncle’s brother’s cousin father from the left side of your right family tree”.

I smiled it off and went into the house. About 5 minutes later, my parents came in to give me a further explanation of how the man was related to us.

I cut in while my mum was still speaking

“mum, this man is about to die, the next news you will hear about him is that he has passed on… “.

My mum screamed at me “keep quiet! You don’t say stupid things like that? Does he look sick to you? Are you a doctor? Are you the witch that will kill him?
This man said he is coming to visit us again on Tuesday… “

The questions were still pouring in when my dad interrupted her “let him speak, son what made you say so?”

I replied “nothing.”
By this time I was already too afraid to speak.

My parents cautioned me not to ever say such again.

2 days later, I returned from school in the same manner. This time, my parents were sitting at the same spot alone, their faces were empty and you could tell they were waiting for me to return.

When they saw me, they both started talking at the same time but my dad held back, so my mum continued

“Do you remember that man you told us will die?
We just got news 10 minutes ago that he is dead!”

They both called me indoors so that neighbors won’t eavesdrop, “What we want to ask you is, How were you able to predict his death so accurately?” my dad asked.

I waited a little to make sure they weren’t about to beat me, then I replied
“You remember that halo you told me about that woman used to see on people’s head before they die?
I saw it in his two eyes when he looked at me, they were glowing red”.

Though still visibly in shock, my parents made me vow there and then never to ever predict people’s demise again, ever. I was told it’s not a good gift to possess and that it ruined the old woman who wielded it.
That was how I abandoned that exercise forever, now I just play with predicting boxing matches, some of which I get dead wrong.

But one such gift that has stayed with me ever since is being able to predict the right career path for people. I am almost always dead-on accurate and it has nothing to do with halos and yellow lights, just common sense.

If you are not in the career you like to be in, you don’t need any special prophecy, move from there, you are not a tree.



Dave Partner
Dave Partner

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