Six levels of cognitive thinking

Dave Partner
2 min readJan 27, 2020


Six levels of cognitive thinking:

(1) knowledge : Gravity = Gm1m2/r2

where F is the force due to gravity, between two masses (m1 and m2), which are a distance r apart; G is the gravitational constant.

(2) comprehension:

Oh, gravity is a constant and when a bigger body is rotating in space, it often has gravity enough to attract all other smaller bodies close to it. That’s why the moon is rotating around the earth instead of floating away.

(3) application: Let us build a rocket that can escape gravity and land us on the moon

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(4) analysis: What can go wrong? Are we missing anything?

(5) synthesis: How do we relate this to what we know about hydrogen engines and jet fuel and make something cool out of them?

(6) evaluation: What have we learned so far from this?

Many humans are not able to go beyond stage 2 of cognitive thinking. They often throw a roadblock for themselves and others right there by asking questions like “can this change the price of rice in the market?” , “Why are you troubling yourself with all these?” , “Me I can’t be taxing my brain with all these”.

It is scientifically determined that your cognitive ability determines your income level. People are only able to do businesses, perform tasks and get results that reflect their cognitive depth. Critical thinking is simply the term used to describe the process of drilling deep down through cognitive levels in order to figure out optimal solutions to a problem.

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Dave Partner
Dave Partner

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