What is prophesy really? here is a short interesting story
So guys, something funny happened today.
Someone is insisting that I prophesy to her and she is offering me money.
Here is how it happened.
I was somewhere when I met this woman, she is in her 50s. In my classic Sherlock Holmes style, the first thing I said to her was
"Regina, why did you spend too much time in the UK?"
This stunned her, so she replied "What?! Oh Jeez! That's true oo my son. That is my problem. How did you know? I have never met you."
I jokingly replied, "The Lord just told me".
That was the Genesis of my problem ladies and gentle men.
She went "can you believe I went to the UK when I was 22 years old? My whole life, I spent it there! Now I have nothing to write home about. Nothing. As you see me now I am starting afresh.
I don’t know what they did to me for so many years, I forgot myself in the UK"
Oh boy! When I saw that she was getting serious. I tried to escape :D
Believing she has met a prophet she won’t let me go. She was starting to create a scene.
Explaining my trick would be falling of hand but that was the only way I could make her leave me.
I explained to her that when I first walked in, I heard someone call her name 'Regina, go and attend to customer".
That was how I picked her name. 2 minutes later, she was talking to me in UK accent while visibly struggling to sound Nigerian.
I noted that.
With a few quick calculations I could tell she was financially struggling since a younger woman was commanding her to serve me. No ring on her finger too.
With all the details in place, I made my move "Regina, why did you spend too much time in the UK?"
From her reaction, I already have the answer to that question too. Who can tell what the answer is?