The mighty oracle that lives in the tree!
In the olden days:
Mr. A meets Miss B. They get married, give birth to the first child. The child grows up a little, falls sick and dies.
They give birth to the second, third and fourth children, same thing happens to all 3.
They consult the village native doctor, he collects goats, white cloth and money from them, does some sacrifices.
They give birth to a 4th child, the child dies.
They get back to the witch doctor, the witch doctor confirms from the oracle living in the tree that the woman is marries in the spirit world and her spirit husband is the one killing all her children.
Husband divorces wife. Marries Miss C. They give birth, first child survives, second child survives , third child survives. The native doctor was right. The mighty oracle living in the tree is all knowing.
They have to be taking goats and rams to the native doctor every year to protect the children and he does some tattoo inscriptions on their bodies for spiritual protection. The tree now protects them from all evil, they just have to keep paying homage.
In modern times:
Mr. A meets Miss B. They both go for blood test, discover that their blood groups are both AS.
Mr. A goes to marry Miss C whose blood group is AA.
Miss B goes to marry Mr. D whose blood group is AA too.
They all live happily ever after. No deaths, no homage, no worships, no trees, no native doctors, no divorces and stigmatization.
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