The new transcendentalist
The problem of many people is that they are unable to see the big picture. They can't zoom out. They are stuck in the pipeline of everyday activities without being able to see the full picture. No foresight, stumble on every stone.
Ability to see the full picture in any enterprise gives you extra super powers. The big picture, that's what eagles aim for when they fly so high. That's how they ID their targets then swoop right down.
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Some people have entered into fights, businesses, projects where the end result is inconsequential because they are unable to transcend and gain that holistic view of everything.
Even in modern day wars, an infantry without air support is basically grinding blind. No eyes, just groping through the ticket.
Long range, top view. The projection is isometric. Its like staring down the city from the airplane.
The big picture, that's what the pilot.
The big picture, that's why many relationships survive turbulence.
From one mountain top, one can see the whole city. From the transcended state of mind, one can see the full picture.
Its amazing to sail up the sky and see from the eye of the gods.
The big picture, why you can now forgive easily.
The big picture, how you now lead your team.
The big picture, the direction your product design and business model is now taking.
The big picture.
To the transcendentalist everything goes well.
Today, you'll train your mind to zoom out and up to see the full picture both in every day activities and the ultimate life trajectory.
The big picture, that's why the pilgrim mediate. Find yourself in want, let your mind transcend into the skies, pin your target, then swoop right down with the surgeon's precision.
The big picture, what your life needs right now.
NB: If you've been following, fasting today ends by 3pm.
See you.
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