The subtle art of unteacheability
An old man who was the secretary of his village meeting association once saw a typed letter for the first time. Having worked with pen and paper all his life but has never seen typed words.
He was so fascinated that he took the typed later to a young sage saying “Teach me, sir, how to write like this”.
The sage agreed, then brought out a keyboard. While pointing at the keys on the keyboard, the sage said to the old man “repeat after me sir, Q-W-E-R-T-Y…”
The old man interrupted while pointing at the typed letter, “when are you going to teach me how to write like that? I expected you to bring out a sheet of paper and pen, hand it over to me and teach me how to write like that”
The sage replied, “you already know too much sir, you can no longer be taught anything new…”.
He was still speaking when the old man stormed out “I am going to find another person that will teach me how to write like that”.
Legend has it that, that old man is still patrolling the neighboring villages looking for someone to teach him how to write like that.