There is a spiritual paradox in my family, a long-standing debate.
There is a paradox in my family, a long-standing debate. Here is how it started, one day, many years ago, a 25 years old self-acclaimed prophet prophesied to my aunty in their church that on 24th of November that year, her enemies will try to kill her but she will succeed if she says the prayers he gave her.
And of course, she has to appreciate God with ‘whatever’ she has in terms of financial support. He also told her not to leave the house on that day to avoid the supposed additional car accident already setup for her spiritually by her enemies. It was an interesting prophesy because the prophet gave a clear date which hardly happens with fake prophesies, so everyone in the family was keen on seeing what will happen on that day.
The family is split between prophesy believers and non-prophesy believers. On the 24th of November, my aunty and her husband stayed home all through, they said all the prayers the prophet gave her to say and fasted from morning till evening. Half of the family joined in the fasting and prayer, for the gates of hell shall not prevail. The other half of the family formed the spectator and observatory committee lest the scientific community be without members.
It was a very regular day with no notable incident until about mid-day when some work colleagues of my aunty called her and told her there will be an emergency meeting she had to attend. She told them that there is nothing on this planet and beyond that will convince her to leave her house that day.
They were left with only 2 options: postpone the meeting to a later date, or hold the meeting in my aunt’s house, they chose the second. Even though they tried to resist, my aunt’s husband insisted on joining the meeting. I believe they must have been bewildered by all weird requests coming from my aunty and her husband, but they proceeded anyway.
Mid-way into the meeting, my aunt’s husband slept out of the meeting, went it to the house, retrieved the holy water the prophet gave them and stormed the otherwise peaceful meeting with it. Before any one could say ‘jack’, he started spraying the holy water on all of them like a sub-machine gun while screaming prayers and cursing at them as if they were demons. All those Amalakites ran away in different directions, escaped the compound and ran home, it was a really funny day.
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To my aunt and her husband, that was exactly what the prophet predicted. But to the scientific community, after all the analysis and studies, the conclusion derived therein was that it was a mere coincidence. We had a very long debate the whole evening that never ended till date. A month later, as if nature wanted to spice up the debate, the mother of the prophet suddenly collapsed and died in her house.
He visited our house again 2 days after his mum’s burial for general prayers, in the processes, one of the members of the scientific community asked him a simple question “If you are really a prophet, how come you didn’t see your own mum’s death coming?” . The question took the young prophet by surprise, he was jolted to the bones, he veered off into a glitching stammer for minutes. At the end he was able to put together the words “well, the lord has shown me the people that sent the spiritual arrow that killed my mum. I have done a prayer on their head, they will all die”.
Luckily, for the sake of world peace and out of respect for the people that invited the prophet, the scientist did not ask the follow-up question which would have scattered the whole prayer session and set everywhere on fire. Can you guess what that question would have been?
You are right, it is “So God is more interested in showing you the information that will aid you in retaliating your mum’s death than showing you the one that could have actually saved her?”. To my aunt and her spiritual warfare party members, that incident on the 24th of November was a heavenly confirmation that the prophet was a true prophet of God.
To the rest of the scientific community, the death of the prophet’s mum without him seeing it prior to that is a proof that he is just as human as any other person. Till date, the debate still rages on.
So, you, which side of the antinomy are you on?
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