Thinking before acting is a big sign of weakness

Dave Partner
4 min readOct 1, 2017


Thinking things through first before acting is a sign of weakness.

Thinking before making a choice slows you down. It is often a sign that the thinker is inexperienced.

I know this is a hard concept to grasp, many will not agree with it at first, but over time, it will start making some sense.

Perhaps we should start with this question, it could help awaken you to this truth -

What is the purpose of practice?

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Is it not to reduce and even completely eliminate the amount of time and resources devoted to thinking before taking an action?

Therefore, is it not safe to say that the more a person thinks before taking an action, the more inexperienced they truly are?

The complete novice and the perfect master are the best kinds of fighters, they both do not think before they act.

Their actions flow naturally and freely from instinct, they have no thinking process.

The only difference between them is that the novice surrenders to the chaos of the fight, the master surrenders to the peace within themselves.

The master has practiced to the point that they are at peace with themselves and the flow of energy within.

A person who thinks too much endangers their own touch of reality, thinking makes us loose touch of our senses.

To be exceptionally good in whatever you do, you must gain the ability to rise above thinking before you act.

The master acts without thinking.

You must overcome thinking itself and act spontaneously. Spontaneity is the true holiness. The master does not think, neither does the true lover. The true giver does not think before the act of giving, the truly happy does not think before getting happy.

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The great player does not stop to think, they simply align themselves with the flow of the game and perform wonders.

Or, wouldn’t you consider the player a learner if they stop to think in the middle of a contest?

Does the great pianist think as they play or do they simply surrender to their inner peace and let the music energy flow freely from within them into the piano?

[The video below, watch till end]

Only the amateurs think, only the learners spend their resources thinking.

Thinking is a sign of weakness. Thinking is a proof that perfection is still out of reach. It shows that more practice still needs to be done. The thinker is only a baby to their true potential. Modern education teaches us from childhood to think before we act, this can be a trap if the student doesn’t ascend above thinking.

Maybe there is another way to attain perfection without practice, I would love to know if you find any.

The moment you start thinking, the ability to change the situation is taken away from you. You can only effect change the moment you stop thinking and start acting.

The goal of practice is to attain a certain mental state where thinking is minimized or even completely abolished.

Thinking is not wrong, it is a sign that the thinker has not attained a certain level of perfection in that task.

The speaker does not think of speaking but of the topic, because he has attained perfection in speaking. If he attains perfection on the topic he would not think of the topic too.

The driver does not think of the steering, the gear, the pedals because he has attained perfection in it.
If he stops to think of which pedal to match first, then he is still a learner, his judgement cannot be trusted.

There are only 2 types of persons that can do things without thinking, the absolute novice and the perfect master.

The novice has not practiced and has no experience, therefore cannot have a predictable result.

The master has practiced until they do not have to think to perform the action.

Thinking is impurity.

Also, that thoughtless state of mind removes the vices that come with thinking.

You do not have to think to get out of bed, you simply get out. If you think about it, you introduce vices like hesitation, procrastination, judgement, laziness and so on.

Every fighter is encouraged to attain this mental state before entering the ring, so that they do not fall into the temptation of judging their opponent.
The practitioner is encouraged to remain in this mental state in their day to day activities.
The motivational speaker figures out the weakness of thinking and States that ideas are nothing, execution is everything.

Don’t think, just do.

This is a difficult concept to grasp, that is why it should not be taught using words (which is what I have done), it must be introduced to the student by allowing the student demonstrate it to themselves.

So what do you think about what i have written so far?

If you think I have written the right thing, or you think I’ve not, you are right anyway. You see? Thinking is powerless, it cannot change the outcome of anything.

Let me ask you, do you think you should accept funding for your startup? Do you think you should recruit or fire? Do you think you should expand your business? Do you think you should fall in love?

Do you now see a weakness with thinking?

I am of the opinion, that everyone should surrender themselves to the peace and process of practice so as to gain the ability to overcome thinking and all its vices such as hesitation, judgement, emotion, confusion.

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Dave Partner
Dave Partner

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