Were you raised to be less than awesome?
Most of us were raised to become ordinary.
But we have to wake up everyday knowing that we have to be unraise.
We have to go to bed every night knowing that we went the extra mile that makes the extra-ordinary. Some of us were raised to run from pain and eat up gratification as they come.
To truly grow, you must learn to self improve, stop looking for a short cut, embrace pain if it improves you and delay the damn gratification.
You may have been raised to believe that success will come one day, one moment that will automatically switch up your life forever. The truth is, succeeding in life and becoming extra ordinary is a log drawn campaign of grit. Unraise.
[follow me on https://medium.com/@daveozoalor ]
This society raises its citizens to run when they encounter fear, I do not know if this is how it has always been. I don’t know if our forefathers were not warriors as they were painted to be. But one thing I can tell you for sure is, fear is a very wrong and non-profitable reason not to proceed with your purpose. That’s not how being extra ordinary plays out, caution is the only reason any sane person should pull out or pull back. Fear is emotional, caution is calculative.
The society raises vision killers, people that dont have vision for themselves. Dream killers, people that live every day blank on blank, no dreams. People who have been raised to spend the rest of their lives in their comfort zone. Zombies, alive outside but dead in side. Believe me, many of these people will live and leave this universe without a trace, just because this awkward society brought them up in a certain way.. I’m telling you, these people are not your kind of association.
In reality, you have to be able to see the invisible, perceive what’s not there, for you to be able to achieve the impossible. To achieve the extra ordinary, you simply have to be extra ordinary.
This is a society where no one wants to be first, because they are afraid to be seen as a failure if they don’t succeed. But the truth is, if you are the first to do something, you can’t be considered as a failure. If you dream, you owe it to yourself to do everything possible to achieve it.
That mental attitude is counter-intuitive, that’s because the nurturing the society gives is to give up if the conditions appear unfavorable. Unraise.
Its a teaching that encourages people to sit tight in their discomfort and hope that someday some magic is going to fix things for them. You see my good reader, hope is a poisonous thing. It can cripple the mind if its not put into perspective.
The fact, if you want to drive a Range Rover, you have to get out of your shell, drive your fear into a corner, and then go drive the damn Range! Unraise!
[Follow me on medium: https://medium.com/@daveozoalor ]