What is Rocco’s Basilisk and how did Elon Musk find a girl friend with it?

Dave Partner
2 min readDec 26, 2020


One day in 2018, Elon Musk woke up, went to twitter and wanted to tweet a joke that came to his mind. It was a weird AI joke about an otherwise good idea that tortures you for not bringing it to fruition. Follow me on medium.com/@davepartner Just before he tweeted it, he found out that another lady has already twitted the same joke.

It turns out that the lady that twitted it is a musician, her name is Grimes, a Canadian musician. He reached out to her, they started dating and now they have a child together called X Æ A-Xii. The name of the good idea that turns evil on you if you don’t implement it is called Roco’s Basilisk. Now, there is a conspiracy theory that Elon Musk’s fans like to believe, they believe that X Æ A-Xii is actually Roco’s Basilisk, the ultimate AI that can read human minds and has all power to punish humans, or at least someone key to bringing Roco’s Basilisk to fruition, and Elon and Grime have played on the safe path by conceiving a tweet about it giving birth to it. Roco’s Basilik will no longer punish them.

More about Roco’s Basilisk, the idea was first brought up by a user on an internet forum in 2010. There is a caveat, and that is that the the idea can’t start torturing the original thinker until the idea itself comes into fruition.

More specifically, Roco hypothesized that if a super powerful AI came into existence, it will start giving preferential treatment to those humans who worked to bring it into existence, and of course start punishing those who could but didn’t.

Imagine a typical politician that comes to power, they might priority punishing those who could have helped them come to power but didn’t. Many AI experts who argued against Roco’s Basilisk put up the point that once the AI has come into fruition and dominated the world, it would be a waste of resources for it to start fishing out those who thought about it and punishing them.

Therefore, such an AI won’t pursue such a course. The moment people started debating about it, the admin of the forum came an deleted and banned all mentions of the topic for 5 years on the grounds that the thoughts of it alone is already torturing a lot of people and that the topic was a dangerous one. Follow me on medium.com/@davepartner



Dave Partner
Dave Partner

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