Why it doesn’t even make sense to give up
Sometimes I wish there was no suffering.
But it just comes with the life.
Sometime around your early childhood or adolescent years you discover that you are alive. This discovery is progressive. As you grow older and older, you discover more and more the awkward reality that you are alive.
Sometimes I wish there was no pain or past. I guess you do wish so at times too.
But then, some of the greatest people I know are stories, stories of humans emerging from impossible discomforts.
Alas, it is a weird thing, that discomfort sometimes begets strength. But only few seem to have discovered this though.
It is a dirty secret of nature that not many have realized, great reward is often begotten by great tribulation.
Great loss sometimes begets great love.
Great pain sometimes begets great pleasure.
In other words, the struggle is what lies between you and your goals, irrespective of your social class or already available privileges. As long as you as a human has a dream, you have some struggling to do.
I must tell you the truth, it troubles a young philosopher like me every morning, as to why there is suffering, why pain sometimes emerges from nowhere. Why one man will be born in affluence and another in dirt.
Too late it is the discovery that we are alive, our only revenge now is to dream and see it through against the odds of nature.
It is only logical that if you must successfully reach your goal and capture the flag, you must not get trapped in the struggle. It doesn’t even make any sense to give up in the middle. Unfortunately, that’s where many people get lost in life. Somewhere in the middle of chasing that dream, they forget to come through.
Its like attempting to escape by crossing the Atlantic to the land on the other side, but then giving up half way. I don’t know if anyone has ever done that, but that should be the stupidest thing to do on the planet.
However, I know a handful of people who have completed that journey. I know people who have moved from abject poverty to affluence. I’ve met people that are much stronger because they emerged from difficulties.
This is an encouragement to everyone in the struggle, hear this, don’t give up!. Don’t give up on your dream whatsoever. It doesn’t even make sense to do so.
Stay strong. Come through.
follow me: twitter.com/daveozoalor