Why many Igbos travel home instead of going for tourism during festive seasons
Christmas time, everyone is trying to travel to tourist desitions, Igbos all over the world be traveling home to go spend all the money they made throughout the year. That’s the difference.
No place like home, no waterfall like the one in the kitchen, no selfie like the one with mama, no boat cruise like the one at the stream, no better way to spend any money in the world than to spend it on your people.
The best smile in the world is not the photoshopped one, it is the smile on the faces of people you left behind, the best journey in life is the journey to wealth and the corresponding journey back home. The best crew is that childhood crew, the best drink in the world is the local palm wine, the best coffee in the world is cola nut, the best gathering in the world is the coming together of family members once again and the best blessing the world is mama’s blessing.
Aku ruo ulo — One’s wealth has to reach home before it can be useful. Eselu na enu ego — one who floats on money. Uba zuo oke-Let wealth go round. Ochiri ozuo-a helper, especially with the less privileged. Nwa ji uba — a child holds the key to wealth
This is the Igbo philosophy that makes all the difference.