You have to sacrifice shii to get shii

Dave Partner
3 min readAug 23, 2020


Our African traditional religion is built on a very powerful and undeniable principle of success in life. Though their interpretation and implementation of this is weak, misleading, and largely erroneous, the principle retains its truth throughout the ages.

What is this principle? In simple English: you have to sacrifice something to get something.

If you want your kids to grow with 2 parents, you have to stay in that marriage sacrificing some of your personal freedoms and the ways you would have traditionally loved to do things.

If you want your kids to have the best education, you have to sacrifice some money you have used to take care of yourself on their school fees.

If you want to be present while your kids grow, you have to sacrifice jobs that take you far away from the family. If you want your relationship to work, you have to sacrifice a number of your own preferences.

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If you want to attain success and you have not figured out what to sacrifice for it, you haven’t figured out the way to get it. How can you get a school degree if you haven’t figured out that you will have to sacrifice at least 4 years of your life for it? If you want to grow your startup, you may have to figure out how to sacrifice your ownership of part of it.

I must add here that though great results are birthed by great sacrifices, it is not always true the other way round. Great sacrifices don’t always beget great results.

And this is where our African traditional religion missed it, trying to beget financial success in life by sacrificing an innocent fowl to a tree or a passing river is as misdirected as it sounds.

It's the wrong sacrifice, and will never yield any results beyond a mental one.

In this modern-day, we see a lot of people try to beget financial success by repeating the same kind of mistakes our native doctors were making, they are sacrificing 10% of their income to appease God. Some even sacrifice more than 100% at times.

If this is the right sacrifice, the results will be measurable and observable. But if it is really a wrong sacrifice, it will never be able to work, the result will be unexpected. The economic implications will be a country where people are gradually getting poorer among other contributing factors.

What is the moral lesson of this?

1. If you want anything in life, you have to give up something to get it.

2. Giving up the wrong thing can yield the wrong results.

3. If you don’t learn from the mistakes of your forefathers, your kids will use you as an example of who not to copy.

4. That many people are doing something, doesn’t mean it is right. It is possible for an entire continent to miss a point for a thousand years. African traditional religion is proof of this.

5. I have to mention it again, you have to give up shii to get shii 🔥 A good way to find out what to sacrifice is to ask your question like this “What will it take for this to happen?”

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Dave Partner
Dave Partner

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